Hey everyone!
I have a new blog: www.missfaith.tumblr.com
I will no longer be using this one, but I would love it if you would check out my other one!
Blessed Beyond Belief
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Friday, October 22, 2010
I can't believe it's taken me this long to put this up, but better late then never!
Last thursday, october 14th, I met JASON GRAY!!!!!!!!!!
I know, you don't know who he is. Pssshh.
(Him and Josh Groban, that is...I still love Josh Groban.)
Sooo that is why I am so excited about meeting him. Except for the fact that when he asked me how I liked the concert I replied with a very high pitched "thaaaank you!"
It was pretty loud so I'm hoping he didn't hear :) I said something more intelligent after that...I think.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
This is for the girls...

Who sit at home being good kids.
Who aren't drop dead gorgeous like the women staring back at us from the cover of magazines.
Who don't drink,
Don't party hard,
And would rather sit at home and read a book then hit up some party joint.
This is for the girls who choose their own genre of music
Who don't simply listen to the mainstream pop blasted from radios.
This is for the girls who bite their nails,
Who feel self-conscious about every single thing about them,
Who tug on their hair when they're nervous.
This is for the girls who actually care about something other then how they look,
Or how hair naturally curls.
This is for girls who cry at movies
Sympathize with their friends
And extend a helping hand to those who need it.
This is for the girls who wear glasses,
Have braces,
Frizzy hair,
Who are tall or short or somewhere in the middle.
This is for the oldest children,
The youngest,
The middle children.
This is for the girls who listen to their friends groan about their love lives, and patiently endure being a supportive friend, while they wait for a love of their own.
This is for the girls who hope and dream and often settle for second best without any complaint.
This is for the girls who see themselves as hopeless and forgotten.
This is for the girls who dream so much they've forgotten how to dream.
This is for the girls who have fallen and need a helping hand getting up...only they've been the helping hand for so long they've forgotten how to fall.
This is for the girls who are on the ground, who are learning how to fly
Because mark my words: When you fly you will soar on the wings of eagles. You will run and not grow faint. You will walk, and never grow weary.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Today was the first day of our new Bible Study and Youth Group!
IT. WAS. AMAZING. I haven't felt the Holy Spirit that strongly in awhile. jkasdjskadhfa it was so awesome. I am SOOOOOOOOOO blessed to have all the amazing leaders in my life! I love all of them! <3
And of course my fellow high school students!
Tomorrow I think I might go to the coffee shop to study, because it is an awesome place and I love it there. And plus I left my Bible and it's waiting there for me[:
Anyway, it's waaaaaaay past my bedtime but: Next time I post I will be talking about my views on modesty. I hadn't until now because I didn't want to offend anyone. BUT then I realized this is my blog. So I am going to say what I believe. And what GOD has to say about it.
Good night, world...
Peace and carrots...
Today was the first day of our new Bible Study and Youth Group!
IT. WAS. AMAZING. I haven't felt the Holy Spirit that strongly in awhile. jkasdjskadhfa it was so awesome. I am SOOOOOOOOOO blessed to have all the amazing leaders in my life! I love all of them! <3
And of course my fellow high school students!
Tomorrow I think I might go to the coffee shop to study, because it is an awesome place and I love it there. And plus I left my Bible and it's waiting there for me[:
Anyway, it's waaaaaaay past my bedtime but: Next time I post I will be talking about my views on modesty. I hadn't until now because I didn't want to offend anyone. BUT then I realized this is my blog. So I am going to say what I believe. And what GOD has to say about it.
Good night, world...
Peace and carrots...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sometimes I wish I had a big brother. I really think it would be awesome to have a big brother. But he would have to be at least five years older then me. Because anybody younger then that would just be annoying.
If I had a big brother I could tell him anything, and he would understand me, at least most of the time. And he would always know how to make me feel better if I was sad. He would always stick up for me if someone was trying to hurt me.
But I'm the oldest, so I doubt I'm ever going to get a big brother.
I am so grateful for the little sister I have, though. She is such a blessing. And it's what God wanted. I guess there's a reason I don't have a biological big brother. But maybe someday I can adopt one.
This evening my family watched a movie tonight, a Veggie Tales. VEGGIE TALES ROCKS! Just saying. xD
Oh and next week is the Youth Beach trip! YAY!
Peace and Carrots...
If I had a big brother I could tell him anything, and he would understand me, at least most of the time. And he would always know how to make me feel better if I was sad. He would always stick up for me if someone was trying to hurt me.
But I'm the oldest, so I doubt I'm ever going to get a big brother.
I am so grateful for the little sister I have, though. She is such a blessing. And it's what God wanted. I guess there's a reason I don't have a biological big brother. But maybe someday I can adopt one.
This evening my family watched a movie tonight, a Veggie Tales. VEGGIE TALES ROCKS! Just saying. xD
Oh and next week is the Youth Beach trip! YAY!
Peace and Carrots...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Full name: Addie Faith O'Brien
Gender: Female
Age: Physically 16. Mentally 25
Birth date: April 2nd
Place of birth: San Jose, CA
Heritage: Almost all white
Siblings: Regan
Parents: Mom&Dad
Religious/Spiritual affiliation: Christian!! Jesus is everything to me
Pets: None right now): But I used to have the BEST dog
Marital status: Single. I don't believe in dating, especially before 18.
Tattoos/piercings: None but I want to get my ears pierced!
Glasses: Yes sir
PC or Mac: PC computers, Mac laptops
Mobile phone: An A-777
Do you believe in ghosts? No!
Do you believe in UFOs? Well all UFO's means in a flying object that is not identifiable. So yes, in that case, but I don't believe in aliens.
Where have you traveled? Mexico, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and various places in CA.
Yup, that's me(:
Peace and carrots, ppl
Gender: Female
Age: Physically 16. Mentally 25
Birth date: April 2nd
Place of birth: San Jose, CA
Heritage: Almost all white
Siblings: Regan
Parents: Mom&Dad
Religious/Spiritual affiliation: Christian!! Jesus is everything to me
Pets: None right now): But I used to have the BEST dog
Marital status: Single. I don't believe in dating, especially before 18.
Tattoos/piercings: None but I want to get my ears pierced!
Glasses: Yes sir
PC or Mac: PC computers, Mac laptops
Mobile phone: An A-777
Do you believe in ghosts? No!
Do you believe in UFOs? Well all UFO's means in a flying object that is not identifiable. So yes, in that case, but I don't believe in aliens.
Where have you traveled? Mexico, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and various places in CA.
Yup, that's me(:
Peace and carrots, ppl
Friday, August 27, 2010
She loves you for who you are
Not for the way you look
But for your heart
The heart that loves God
She loves you for your smile
And the way you say her name
And the way you make her laugh
Like no one else can
She loves you for you
Not for how you dress
Or talk
Or if your "cool"
She loves you for your heart
The heart that belongs to God
Not for the way you look
But for your heart
The heart that loves God
She loves you for your smile
And the way you say her name
And the way you make her laugh
Like no one else can
She loves you for you
Not for how you dress
Or talk
Or if your "cool"
She loves you for your heart
The heart that belongs to God
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Modesty Survey
Here's something I saw on www.myblessedhome.blogspot.com that I thought I would fill out. Enjoy[:
Do you wear makeup? Yes. I wear foundation and mascara. Sometimes for special occasions I wear a little eyeshadow, but nothing too colorful, usually just brown or grey.
Do you wear a head covering? Not on a regular basis.
Do you sleep in your head covering? Nope.
Do you wear dresses? I recently made the choice to be dresses/skirts only.
I occasionally wear pants (like if I'm horse back riding or something similar) and when I exercise I wear knee-length shorts.
Do you wear a modesty vest over your dresses or a cape dress? No, I actually know what those are... :P
Do you wear stockings or knee socks for added modesty? I do wear tights in the winter to keep my legs warm, but my dresses/skirts are long enough that I don't need to wear them for modesty.
Do you wear open toed shoes? Yes, but I love to wear boots when it's not too hot outside :)
Do you wear modest swimwear? I wear board shorts with a tank top style top.
Jewelry? Yes. I always have on my purity ring and I wear necklaces quite often. I also wear a watch.
Do you wear makeup? Yes. I wear foundation and mascara. Sometimes for special occasions I wear a little eyeshadow, but nothing too colorful, usually just brown or grey.
Do you wear a head covering? Not on a regular basis.
Do you sleep in your head covering? Nope.
Do you wear dresses? I recently made the choice to be dresses/skirts only.
I occasionally wear pants (like if I'm horse back riding or something similar) and when I exercise I wear knee-length shorts.
Do you wear a modesty vest over your dresses or a cape dress? No, I actually know what those are... :P
Do you wear stockings or knee socks for added modesty? I do wear tights in the winter to keep my legs warm, but my dresses/skirts are long enough that I don't need to wear them for modesty.
Do you wear open toed shoes? Yes, but I love to wear boots when it's not too hot outside :)
Do you wear modest swimwear? I wear board shorts with a tank top style top.
Jewelry? Yes. I always have on my purity ring and I wear necklaces quite often. I also wear a watch.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Skirts Only
I have been thinking for about a year now about going skirts only. It was a difficult subject for me. After all, I knew so many devout Christian woman who weren't skirts only. But that didn't stop what the Bible had to say on the matter.
I tried wearing skirts every day for a week, and found I LOVED it. I felt so much more feminine, and they were so modest. However, I never went skirts only I still wore pants on a regular basis.
recently though the Lord has put it on my heart to go all the way and go skirts only.
I am very excited about this, it's been something I've been praying about for a long time.
If you want to look at some beautiful skirts, here is one of my favorite sites: http://www.denimskirts.com/
Tell me what you think about being skirts only! I'd love to hear your story!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Pray for my friend Sarah. Her cousin was murdered while her ten year old child watched helplessly.
It's things like this that bring ones spirits down. But it's amazing what the power of prayer can do.
Peace and Carrots...And Prayer
It's things like this that bring ones spirits down. But it's amazing what the power of prayer can do.
Peace and Carrots...And Prayer
Friday, August 13, 2010
FB vs. Blogging
I was thinking about all the ways blogging is better then Facebook. For instance, you can post things that are much longer. Also, you don't have to feel like by posting something you are annoying people, because if they are indeed reading it then it is their choice, becaus ethey are reding your blog...make sense? Yes? Good. Moving on.
I was also thinking about how much more personalized blogging is. You can design your own backrounds and things like that, which is just so exciting. With Facebook, all you can do is fill in your profile information, which isn't really very exciting at all.
I was also thinking about how much more personalized blogging is. You can design your own backrounds and things like that, which is just so exciting. With Facebook, all you can do is fill in your profile information, which isn't really very exciting at all.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Crying...happy tears(:
I was listening to a song yesterday by Tenth Avenue North, and these were some lyrics that got me thinking:
Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run
And I got to thinking that that's exactly what I had been doing. I had been looking for love as if God's love wasn't enough. I hadn't realized it until that moment, and then I just started crying and crying realizing that God loves me more then anybody here on earth ever could. Honestly, I felt kind of silly for having not realized that. It's not like I didn't think God loved me just up until that point I hadn't really hit home I guess.
Someday, my prince will come. Someday, a man will be CrAzY enough to fall in love with me. I don't know when, but I have to trust God. He's probably smiling down on me thinking "My, this child of mine is so impatient."
Peace and Carrots, I'm off to go make dinner[:
Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run
And I got to thinking that that's exactly what I had been doing. I had been looking for love as if God's love wasn't enough. I hadn't realized it until that moment, and then I just started crying and crying realizing that God loves me more then anybody here on earth ever could. Honestly, I felt kind of silly for having not realized that. It's not like I didn't think God loved me just up until that point I hadn't really hit home I guess.
Someday, my prince will come. Someday, a man will be CrAzY enough to fall in love with me. I don't know when, but I have to trust God. He's probably smiling down on me thinking "My, this child of mine is so impatient."
Peace and Carrots, I'm off to go make dinner[:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I'm baaaaack.....!
It's sad that giving up Facebook for Lent is the only reason I'm back on this blog. I mean, I know I have like, maybe...2,907 folowers, so it must have been really hard for them. But the fact that Facebook took up so much of my time really makes me sad. It really is a bad way to communicate to people. I've noticed I have the best relationships with people I talk to on the phone, or even e-mail. And since I have a very dry, sarcastic and sometimes twisted sense of humor, I am often mis-understood on Facebook. So, to sum that up, thank you, Lent.
I'll admit it's been really hard to stay off of Facebook for so long. But I made a promise to myself, and I never go back on promises.
Anyhoo...We've been really sick lately. I had the flu for a week, which wasn't good, because I was in a musical. Thankfully I was well enough by the day of the musical to sing in it. That would have been rather sad, to not be able to sing in a musical.
This Friday is my birthday. I am really looking forward to it, although my parents are in denial...I have NO IDEA WHY.
I had better go, I still have some school work to do.
Peace and carrots...
I'll admit it's been really hard to stay off of Facebook for so long. But I made a promise to myself, and I never go back on promises.
Anyhoo...We've been really sick lately. I had the flu for a week, which wasn't good, because I was in a musical. Thankfully I was well enough by the day of the musical to sing in it. That would have been rather sad, to not be able to sing in a musical.
This Friday is my birthday. I am really looking forward to it, although my parents are in denial...I have NO IDEA WHY.
I had better go, I still have some school work to do.
Peace and carrots...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I Have Come to Notice...
I have come to notice that...
No matter how many times a day you smile, you never run out of them.
That a song that makes you cry sometimes makes you smile.
You can never get or give too many hugs.
There is nothing more precious then a small child reaching their arms out to you.
Watching the sun rise should be something everyone does at least once a year.
Letting the little things go affects us in a big way.
The most amazing gift God has given you is a computer so you can read these wise words from me.
Think about: What would you do without me?
Peace and Carrots...
No matter how many times a day you smile, you never run out of them.
That a song that makes you cry sometimes makes you smile.
You can never get or give too many hugs.
There is nothing more precious then a small child reaching their arms out to you.
Watching the sun rise should be something everyone does at least once a year.
Letting the little things go affects us in a big way.
The most amazing gift God has given you is a computer so you can read these wise words from me.
Think about: What would you do without me?
Peace and Carrots...
Friday, June 5, 2009
I love...
I love:
Josh Groban
Puppies & kittens
My Mom and Papa
Josh Groban
Red roses
Josh Groban
All my friends
"The Truth About Forever" by Sarah Dessen
Watching movies
Shakespearean plays
Josh Groban
The color purple
And green
And orange
Josh Groban
Sweet pea blossoms
Josh Groban
=)Peace and Carrots!
Josh Groban
Puppies & kittens
My Mom and Papa
Josh Groban
Red roses
Josh Groban
All my friends
"The Truth About Forever" by Sarah Dessen
Watching movies
Shakespearean plays
Josh Groban
The color purple
And green
And orange
Josh Groban
Sweet pea blossoms
Josh Groban
=)Peace and Carrots!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Bagpiper is me
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
February Song by Josh Groban...teh best singer EVER!!
Where has that old friend gone?
Lost in a February song.
Tell him it won't be long,
'Till he opens his eyes.
Opens his eyes.
I never want to let you down.
Forgive me if I slip away.
All that I've known is lost and found.
I promise you,
I'll come back to you one day.
Lost in a February song.
Tell him it won't be long,
'Till he opens his eyes.
Opens his eyes.
I never want to let you down.
Forgive me if I slip away.
All that I've known is lost and found.
I promise you,
I'll come back to you one day.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sacramento Highland Games
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Roses are red...I like red...
I have decided that I love red roses. A lot. They are sooo pretty. And very red, and red is a nice color.
Yesterday I was talking to my friend, and we discovered that she knows a guy from 4-H, and that same guy is in my pipe band. Crazy huh? I thought so. But then my other friend was all, "you know, it would be crazy if you lived in China, or something, but you live really close, so it's not that weird..." yada yada. Still, I thought it was pretty neat.
Peace and CARROTS!!!!!
Yesterday I was talking to my friend, and we discovered that she knows a guy from 4-H, and that same guy is in my pipe band. Crazy huh? I thought so. But then my other friend was all, "you know, it would be crazy if you lived in China, or something, but you live really close, so it's not that weird..." yada yada. Still, I thought it was pretty neat.
Peace and CARROTS!!!!!
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